Hey girl hey! It's time to get spiced!

Confidently Holy & Sexy

Your love delights me, my treasure, my bride. Your love is better than wine, your perfume more fragrant than spices. (SS 4:10, NLT)


  • We aim to edify wives on the subject of pleasing God in public and in private. We teach wives how to remove the legalism of religion and the immorality of the culture from their marriage bed without losing holiness or excitement!


We aim to edify wives on the subject of pleasing God in public and in private. We teach wives how to remove the legalism of religion and the immorality of the culture from their marriage bed without losing holiness or excitement!


The Spiced Wife Podcast has reached OVER 300,000 unique downloads all over the world and now we are bringing even more spice to your marriage bedroom through our online store!

Holiness With Spice

Have you ever heard the saying “lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets?” well, as a wife you have the permission from God to do just that! Read Song of Solomon, you'll see what we mean!

Sexy-time Toys, Natural Oils, Lube, Lingerie, and MORE!

Confidence in the bedroom actually begins outside of the bed
through having a pure heart, mind, and spirit. The Spiced Wife podcast is your
solution for that! Then our store items will compliment your inner transformation
with body treatments to make you feel sexier during intimacy. Whether your goal
is firmer skin, spicy lingerie, or clitoral vibrations we have it all right


Hello! I wanted to thank you for your podcast. My wife found it when our marriage wasn’t doing so good. Our intimate lives were suffering and we didn’t seem to communicate very well on why this was happening. She came across the podcast and she is excited to be a self proclaimed Spiced Wife! Our intimate lives have never been better and that in turn affected our whole marriage in a huge possible way! Thank you!

Mr. S. W.

Thank you so much for making your podcast! I just discovered your podcast yesterday and I have been binge listening all your episodes starting from the beginning. My husband and I are coming up in our one year marriage anniversary and have been struggling with sex. I have tried listening to a few other podcasts to get advice about sex and tips but they are not from the Lord. They suggest watching porn, masturbation, open marriages, all things that do not come from God and don’t help us with marriage. I really appreciate how open you are and how you connect God into all of your episodes. As a Christian and virgin before marriage this podcast is really a breath of fresh air and gives me hope that we can both overcome this rough patch and get more comfortable trying new things together.

Mrs. E. K.

Bedroom Toys

Not all things are permissible, so we are careful to take all things before God prior to selling. Our toys are modest, yet spicey! We refuse immorality and invite holiness without legalism. Our toys will provide the help you may need to enjoy God's blessings in the bedroom.

SHOP toys